These are the General Conditions of:

The Youngest People Foundation
Palestinian Territories

*(Hereinafter referred to as “Foundation”)*

This Donation Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into between the Donor and the Foundation to formalize the donation made by the Donor in support of the festivities organized by the Foundation to celebrate the 50th birthday of the Palestinian people.

**1. Donation Amount:**
The Donor pledges to make a donation in the amount corresponding to the selected package as follows:
– Bronze Package: $250
– Silver Package: $500
– Gold Package: $1,000

**2. Payment Terms:**
The Donor shall pay the donation amount according to the selected package as follows:
– For the Bronze Package: Paypal
– For the Silver Package: Paypal
– For the Gold Package: Paypal

**3. Merits and Benefits:**
The Foundation agrees to do its best to deliver the merits and benefits associated with each package. These merits and benefits are outlined as follows:

– **Bronze Package:** The Donor will receive acknowledgment on the Foundation’s website and social media platforms as a bronze sponsor.

– **Silver Package:** In addition to the benefits of the Bronze Package, the Donor will receive a personalized certificate of appreciation and recognition during the festivities.

– **Gold Package:** In addition to the benefits of the Silver Package, the Donor will be prominently acknowledged during the festivities and will have the opportunity to display their company logo or name at the event venue.

**4. Cancellation and Refunds:**
The Donor acknowledges that the donation made is a voluntary contribution to support the Foundation’s mission and the festivities organized. In the event that the festivities are canceled or postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, including but not limited to force majeure events, natural disasters, government regulations, or any other events beyond the control of the Foundation, the Foundation shall not be liable to refund the donation amount. However, the Foundation will use its best efforts to communicate promptly with the Donor and provide regular updates regarding any changes in the event schedule.

**5. Use of Funds:**
The Foundation assures the Donor that all donations received will be utilized solely for the purpose of organizing and executing the 50th birthday celebrations of the Palestinian people. The Foundation shall maintain transparent financial records.

**6. Confidentiality:**
Both parties agree to keep the terms and conditions of this Agreement confidential and shall not disclose any sensitive information related to this donation or any personal information of the Donor without prior written consent.

**7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:**
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Territories. Any dispute arising from or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiations. In the event that a resolution cannot be reached through negotiations, both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ramallah.

**8. Entire Agreement:**
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Donor and the Foundation concerning the donation and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements, whether oral or written.

**In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement by selecting the “I agree” statement on the website of the Foundation.**